
I am available for part-time Eclipse consulting.  Email me at : scott dot kellicker at acm dot org.

Some of the areas where I might be able to help get your Eclipse project off the ground include:

  • Requirements analysis with an emphasis on how those requirements map to Eclipse.
  • Short-term mentoring to get a new Eclipse project off the ground.
  • Setting up a scalable project infrastructure (plug-ins, unit tests, features, fragments, product, builder, update site) .
  • Creating the automated builds with PDE build.
  • Development of specific functionality.

Eclipse Experience

I was architect and lead developer for ITT Visual Information System’s IDL Workbench, an IDE based on Eclipse.  I specified the product features, designed and implemented the interaction between the workbench and the underlying IDL language, designed the plug-in architecture, wrote the debugger, wrote initial implementations of the editor and coding tools, and set up the nightly PDE builds and unit testing.

I’m currently working on television authoring and simulation tools, such as the XDK.  My primary Eclipse work has been designing and developing a plug-in framework that several TV authoring tools utilize.   I am also involved in many non-Eclipse areas such as interactive television technologies EBIF and OCAP.

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